Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So what does "queer" mean anyway?

I feel less ambiguity about the topics of gender and sexuality than I do about the topics of race and ethnicity. I think it's because I grew up hearing (or noticing) fewer messages about gender than I did about race. I felt less pull from others to be complicit in their homophobia than in their racism. Still, sexuality is a big interest of mine, and I do want to ponder sex and gender as they come up (haha).

Well, now is as good a time as any: my friend posted a blog entry about her queer identity a couple of weeks ago, and apparently it's getting some circulation. I just now read it and would love to add her voice to the (meager) discussion here. Check out her post and see what sort of reactions it inspires in you.

At some point I will get back to telling stories and sharing thoughts of my own, but for now I'm happy to share other people's thoughts and work while mulling mine over.

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